We all experience the world in different ways, but it is impossible to go through a single day without in some way interacting with buildings and the built environment. This competition is a chance to take a step back and appreciate the world you live in, and the moments of magic that architecture can create.
The competition is split into three different categories:
Building + Change
How has architecture, or any built structure changed the feel of a particular place? How does a new building or structure change the way you look an existing space?
Building + Nature
Buildings and nature are constantly interacting with each other. Sometimes this is planned, and sometimes it is by chance. Where have you seen nature and architecture come together to create something spectacular?
Building + People
Buildings exist as a way of creating different spaces and environments for people to use. Can you find an example that perfectly sums up this relationship?
All photos must be taken in Gloucestershire and must include at least one building or built structure.
Use of editing software will be accepted, and photos taken on a camera phone are also acceptable. All photographs which have been edited post printing all also be accepted.
Students in Years 7,8 & 9 Students in Years 10 & 11 Students in Years 12 & 13 Teachers
Entry is free for all students and teachers.
Each entrant can submit up to 3 photos. These can be split across all categories (1 per category), all be for one category or any option in between.
All photos must be submitted digitally in either landscape or portrait format. If your photograph has been enhanced with mixed media, please send a high quality image of the final piece.
We would appreciate all entries coming directly from the school. Please send your entrees to david.wint@robertslimbrick.com and ensure that the email title “RIBA PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION”. Please keep all emails below 5MB in size.
Within the email it is important to state the name and year group for each photo, along with which category the entry is for. More than one photo per email can be included, but please ensure that it is clear which photo belongs to each entry.
Certificates will be given to the best photo in each category per age range. An overall winner will be selected for each age range and will receive a small trophy. Winners will also receive:
Student age group category winner: £10 Amazon voucher
Student age group overall winner prize: £30 Amazon voucher
Teacher overall winner prize: £30 Amazon voucher
An overall competition winner will also be picked, and their photograph will be used on the RIBA Gloucestershire Christmas Card.
In addition to the prizes, a shortlist of the best photographs within each category and age range will be displayed as part of the RIBA Gloucestershire ‘Building+’ Photography. All shortlisted entries will receive a certificate.
Submission Deadline: Noon on Friday 23th November.
Judging: Week commencing the 26rd November
Results Announced: Wednesday 5th December
The whole of the picture must have been photographed and altered by the entrant and therefore be their copyright.
The photographs will be judged by a panel of local Architects, photographers and artists, yet to be confirmed.
Results will be announced by email and on RIBA Gloucestershire’s twitter account.
The judges’ decisions will be final.
Any photograph may be used for publicity by RIBA Gloucestershire.
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